Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cables shine light into secret diplomatic channels

I support open government.

I do not support the appropriation of classified documents by non-government actors who assume the right to define open-government. Holier than thou activists often disregard the possibility that their actions might risk the safety/lives of others.

I spent many days in the streets demonstrating against the Viet Nam war, and for women's rights and I don't apologize for that.

I never, however, would have taken it upon myself to "appropriate" classified information - yet the war ended largely because of political opposition, and women's rights have advanced substantially because we got our point across.

I have no doubt we could have embarrassed some politicians if we had chosen to "appropriate" classified documents but we chose to achieve our goals while risking only our own safety.

If you wish to read the NY Times story about the secret cables click on the link above.

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