Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cheap Shots, Random Thoughts, and Bon Mots

The GOP likes faux lesbians; real ones, not so much.
The GOP loves to debate abortion; birth control & sex education, not so much.
The GOP wants to Drill, Baby, Drill; an Obama who wants to, not so much.
The GOP likes the idea of a health care individual mandate; Obama health care individual mandate, not so much.

The Catholic Church likes mandated celibacy; consequences of same, not so much.
The Catholic Church likes pious nuns; pious nuns who speak out, not so much.
The Catholic Church likes choir boys; choir boys who speak out, not so much.
The Catholic Church likes press coverage; honest journalism, not so much.
The Catholic Church likes a leader whose word is final; taking responsibility for that word, not so much.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bumper Sticker Philosopher At Work

I know that I know nothing ~ Socrates

Don't Worry. Be Happy ~ Bobby McFerrin

Don't Worry. Be. ~ Jack Brown, SF Chronicle, Sunday, March 28, 2010

I (heart) NY ~ whoever it was should be ostracized

I (brain) you ~ Riiight

If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy? ~ anonymous

The most violent element in society is ignorance ~ Plato

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity ~ Martin Luther King. (OK so it's too long for a bumper sticker. It's still pretty smart)

This sticker no verb ~ huh?

If God dwells within, I hope s/he like enchiladas ~ anonymous

If god doesn't dwell, you're an atheist ~ me

What if the 'Hokey Pokey' is what it's all about? ~ unknown

Dissent is patriotic ~ unknown but hard to argue with

Coexist ~ '60s hippies?

Imagine world peace ~ '60s hippies again?

Imagine whirled peas ~ '60s hippies with a sense of humor?

Now it's your turn. Post something here (hint: click on comment) and sign it if you have the nerve.