Friday, May 25, 2007

89% of California parents favor sex ed for their teens

Well, well, well, who knew?

"Politicians and evangelists may push abstinence-only sex education -- the nation's policy for the past decade -- but according to the state's first-ever sex education poll, a startling 89 percent of California parents want their children to receive a comprehensive education that includes information about contraception and STD protection."

According to the Contra Cost Times (link above)
a random-dial telephone poll conducted last year by Quantum Market Research and funded by the California Wellness Foundation revealed that fully 89% of California parents have come to realize their kids need information.

To further quote the CCTimes:

"A long awaited study of more than 2,000 teens who had gone through federally funded, abstinence only programs was delivered to Congress last month. The findings? Abstinence-only doesn't work."

I commend the Contra Cost Times for bringing this information to our attention. Now let's pick up the ball and run with it. Let's pass along the information to parents everywhere and encourage action to ensure that our teens have the information they need about sex,
STDs, unwanted pregnancies, and how they intersect.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I think TV programs are the key--it glorifies the climax but avoids the possible aftermath of disease, life-long afflictions ("I didn't think it could happen to me"), bastard children and psychological regrets over the loss of innocence. There should be programs like-----
    "Clapp, crabs and Backstabs" to balance "Sex in the City".
