Monday, March 26, 2007

Sex Education Done the Right Way

Thanks to the Contra Costa Times for an informative article about how sex education should be done:

Our Whole Lives, a joint product of Unitarian-Universalists and the United Church of Christ, has proved a popular draw at both churches. Executives could not provide an exact number of the churches that offer the program, but each has trained more than 1,000 teachers...

"Our Whole Lives stresses the value of abstinence, but unlike some faith-based programs, it also includes extensive discussions of birth control, safe sex practices and sexual orientation."

" Today, Unitarian and United Church of Christ youths from California and 12 other states will lobby their congressional representatives to free up more money for comprehensive sex ed programs in public schools."

It's about time we have a responsible approach to teaching children about reproduction. Kudos to the CC Times. Read the full article via the link above.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I think the main effort should be directed toward venereal disease. Start young and teach the consequences of such with as much graphic detail as possible in gender groups. The rewards of abstinence is the avoidance of these diseases and regrets in later life.
