Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How to Pay Off All Student Loans


Let's buy out all student loans and refinance them at about 1%. We could borrow,the money from the fed at the current rate of 0% and still make some money, and the students could pay off,their debt in a reasonable period of time

Monday, June 04, 2012

Equal Pay for Equal Work

When I started fighting for the ERA in 1972 women were paid $.69 per hour for every $1.00 men were paid. Geez in 40 years we've pulled it up to $.77 ($.08 per hour). So at that rate how long would it take us to achieve equal pay? Check my figures but it looks like about 159 years. Women, can you wait?

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Individual vs Communitarian Thinking

. We currently have a difference of opinion about individual vs communitarian thinking in our country. It is a legitimate difference and one that deserves discussion at a time when individual thinking led us to the current condition of our economy. It stems from short-term vs long-term planning. Our economy has morphed into one where making money on money is its primary focus (short-term planning). It ensures that individuals may be able to gain wealth but ignores the infrastructure that those individuals use to do so while arguing they should not contribute equally to the maintenance of that infrastructure. I posit that a healthier scenario would be to rebuild the broader economy, including manufacturing and service industries other than financial (long-term planning); one where all people contribute equally to, and benefit equally from, that infrastructure. And that infrastructure would include not just roads, bridges, a strong military, modern power grids, etc, but also healthcare for all, strong public education, affordable child care, and other programs that encourage and ensure that we have a strong middle class; one that spends and creates its own jobs. What do you think? .